(855) 430-0035

Aster Memory Care of Cottage Grove

111 E Reynolds St, Cottage Grove Get Directions
(855) 430-0035

Aster Memory Care of Cottage is 24 room memory care community designed exclusively to serve the needs of individuals with memory impairment. Our goal, in everything we do, is to create an environment that feels safe and familiar, empowering and fulfilling.

Every detail of the unique, single story residence is the result of our efforts to create an environment that helps residents maintain their independence and continue to lead safe and rewarding lives. Each neighborhood within the community creates a home-like social groupings that encourage interaction and activity participation. All indoor space is designed to facilitate easy maneuvering and cue action through visual orientation.

Along with our existing community, Aster Assisted Living of Cottage Grove, our seniors are to continue to be part of our family regardless of how their individual care needs may change.

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* Published prices are provided by the providers themselves, not by reviewers. Actual quotes may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.


  • Alzheimer's Care


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Published prices and information are provided by the providers themselves. Actual details may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.

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