Autumn Wind
Autumn Wind is an assisted living community that is available to seniors who are looking to make Winnsboro, TX their home. Winnsboro has much to offer in terms of history, and those who choose to live there or visit will find that history to be something that really connects them to the place.
Autumn Wind offers a caring staff that are dedicated to the needs of every one of the residents of this community. Our staff are available at all hours of the day and night, so that we can be there when you need us and help you when you are looking for assistance. When you choose to be a part of this assisted community you can know that you will get the right help with your daily needs. We do all that we can to make this place feel like home to you.
In addition to providing our residents with a great place to live and the help that they need on a regular basis, we also offer the following:
- Three nutritious meals served each day
- Housekeeping services
- Refreshments available at all hours throughout the day
- Scheduled transportation
- Social activities for our residents
We are here to help every senior find the home that they are looking for, and you will find that in Autumn Wind and all that the community has to offer.
Publsihed Prices
- Assisted Living
- Independent Living
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Published prices and information are provided by the providers themselves. Actual details may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.