Feels Like Home Assisted Living
Feels Like Home assisted living is located in a beautiful neighborhood within the city of Surprise, AZ. Feels Like Home independent living services are next to none because of the great atmosphere, senior assistance, community events and medical service. All Feels Like Home services are dedicated to providing a great neighborhood-like community and comfortable living in order to help our residents feel at home. This facility is located at 18003 W Mauna Loa Ln, Surprise, AZ 85388 and has a beautiful community center to accommodate all of our residents. This facility ensures their residents will truly feel at home. Rooms are fully furnished and styled by experts to create a great atmosphere and are fully wheelchair accessible. Feels Like Home additionally offers 3 meals per day along with snacks. Feels Like Home offers a variety of medical services and has an understanding and helpful staff, capable of dealing with the most diverse of medical conditions. The doctors and nurses at Feels Like Home Assisted living are on call 24/7 and are ready to deal with a variety of different injuries, disabilities and ailments. Feels Like Home also offers Hospice service upon request. Respite care is offered to residents as well. This facility can accommodate a variety of different residents and continues to give high quality medical and community services. Feels Like Home offers a comfortable living area and stimulating events to ensure that residents truly feel at home.
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