Heritage Lane Behavioral Assisted Living
Heritage Lane Behavioral Assisted Living is two single story buildings offering 57 private suites. The assisted living community specializes in assisting its residents with behavioral issues related to specific mental health diagnoses.
Heritage Lane is nestled in a quiet neighborhood setting. In 2011, there was a change in management and ownership. A new ownership team that had years of experience in post-acute care behavioral health. Our ownership team believes behavioral health is under-served in Arizona assisted living communities and not enough attention is given to those who suffer from mental illness. In addition, there is a lack of options when it comes to non-institutional places to live.
It is our vision and our passion, to remember those in society that often get overlooked. Individuals with mental illness are the forgotten of the forgotten. At Heritage Lane Behavioral Assisted Living, this is simply not the case. It is not uncommon for mentally ill individuals to be committed to psychiatric hospitals or living homeless living under a freeway overpass. There are also mentally ill residents of Arizona that live in Nursing Homes in locked institutional behavioral units because there aren’t less restrictive options available. Until now.
One of the main reasons we developed a controlled positive reinforcement model in assisted living is because we saw an enormous amount of people misplaced in the wrong settings. Individuals that could easily function in a less restrictive environment and could enjoy a much higher quality of life. With proper treatment, proper medication management and proper support, our residents gain simple skills, self-control, self-worth, and confidence to engage in the greater and broader community.
This is our love, our passion and our life work.
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- Assisted Living
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