(855) 430-0035

Hillside Assisted Living

130 Rogers Street, Xenia, OH 5544 Get Directions
(855) 430-0035

You’ll feel right at home at Hillside Retirement Home! We’re located on a quiet residential street in a small, friendly Ohio community. Hillside is peaceful and secure, yet near to downtown shopping and other community amenities.

At Hillside, you’ll enjoy a private room and may either bring your own furnishings or use ours. You’ll experience all the comforts of home without the responsibilities, while enjoying the companionship of other seniors. Hillside is VA approved and offers free transportation to a major VA medical center. Your monthly rent includes accommodation, three home-cooked meals a day, housekeeping and maintenance, laundry facilities, local transportation and assistance with medication. Sunday worship and Bible study, visitors from the community, and special programs keep you in touch with your neighbors. Long and short-term stays are available, and you’ll never be asked for a deposit, endowment or long-term contract. Come join our Hillside family!

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* Published prices are provided by the providers themselves, not by reviewers. Actual quotes may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.


  • Assisted Living


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Published prices and information are provided by the providers themselves. Actual details may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.

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