(415) 843-7959

Lucas Valley Lodge

70 Mount Tenaya Drive, San Rafael, CA 1124 Get Directions
(415) 843-7959

Lucas Valley Lodge is a Residential Care Facility for the Elderly, located in San Rafael’s exquisite upper Lucas Valley, surrounded by magnificent mountain views, convenient to hospitals, churches, shopping centers, parks and easily accessible to community services and libraries.

Our mission is to promote an optimal living in a home setting environment, which will promote independence and be supportive of individual daily needs.

Publsihed Prices

Room type
Monthly Range* (USD)
1 Bedroom
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* Published prices are provided by the providers themselves, not by reviewers. Actual quotes may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.


  • Alzheimer's Care
  • Residential Care Home


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Published prices and information are provided by the providers themselves. Actual details may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.

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