(855) 430-0035

Paradise Assisted Living

6348 Frederick Road, Catonsville, MD 21228 Get Directions
(855) 430-0035

At Paradise Assisted Living we combine comfortable living with quality healthcare to ensure our residents receive all the comforts of home. The warmth and hospitality of this gracious community is felt the moment you step onto our wrap-around, covered front porch, walk through the door, and enter our parlors. From our homey interiors to our smiling residents and exceptional staff, there is an aura of warmth and caring when you come to Paradise.Paradise has 45 beds arranged in private studio rooms and companion suites. We offer all three state levels of assisted living services. With a 24 hour health care staff, our experienced, professional management works to accommodate individual needs.

Our residents are served three delicious meals each day in our charming dining room. We have a great room for watching TV and movies, as well as an old fashioned piano parlor for socializing and recreation. Each level of living space also offers a brightly decorated sunroom with a scenic view.If you are looking for quality, affordable senior housing in a home-like atmosphere, Paradise is the place for you.

Publsihed Prices

Room type
Monthly Range* (USD)
1 Bedroom
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* Published prices are provided by the providers themselves, not by reviewers. Actual quotes may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.


  • Alzheimer's Care
  • Assisted Living


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Published prices and information are provided by the providers themselves. Actual details may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.

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