(855) 430-0035

Stoughton Meadows Assisted Living

2321 Jackson St, Stoughton, WI 5405 Get Directions
(855) 430-0035

Stoughton Meadows Assisted Living is located in its namesake city of Stoughton, which can be found in Dane County, Wisconsin. Located right by the Yahara River, Stoughton takes pride in its strong Norwegian heritage, and love of the arts. Visiting loved ones can explore the many historical landmarks and buildings in Stoughton, followed by a delicious meal at one the local restaurants. Another popular venue is the Stoughton Opera House, which features many amazing performances from talented locals, or touring artists. The community at Stoughton Meadows Assisted Living encourages its seniors to get involved and stay connected. Here you will find resident parking, convenient transportation, home-style meals in line with your personal tastes, a packed activity schedule, as well as 24 hour awake staff to ensure your needs are always met. Each studio is equipped with a private bathroom, a large storage closet, at least one large window, a and a refrigerator. Each Suite is equipped with a kitchenette, equipped with a sink, refrigerator, cabinets and a second spacious storage closet in addition to what the studio has to offer. Situated near several hospitals and outpatient centers, this is one place where you do not have to choose between top-notch care, and tranquil dignified living. Our community is an affordable fit for more independent seniors as well, who can utilize a care payment system of only paying for the care they use, so they may only pay rent without any care charges at all. Our community is pet-friendly for both cats and dogs, so that you can take your loved ones wherever you go. Stoughton Meadows is proud to offer a variety of care features, such as hospice and respite care, as well as wheelchair accessible showers.
Some great features include:
-Included meals that are kosher, vegetarian and can also support specific dietary requirements
-An on-site beautician
-Outdoor common areas
-Regularly scheduled on-site activities and devotional services
-Full laundry and linen service
-Housekeeping services
-Cultural programs

There are so many ways you can start living a maintenance-free life right now. Start by relaxing at Stoughton Meadows Assisted Living where your care and well-being is our number one priority.

Publsihed Prices

Room type
Monthly Range* (USD)
1 Bedroom
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* Published prices are provided by the providers themselves, not by reviewers. Actual quotes may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.


  • Assisted Living


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Published prices and information are provided by the providers themselves. Actual details may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.

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