The Dorothy Frances Home
The Dorothy Frances Home is an alternative living arrangement designed to meet the specific needs of the individual with Alzheimer’s or other dementia’s. It is not a nursing home, but rather a dignified, supportive community dedicated to making a very positive impact on the lives of those we serve.
The Dorothy Frances Home provides a secure home-like environment. Our purpose is to promote the highest quality life-style for each resident by adapting the staff and daily routine to the needs of each individual.
Our unique balance of independence and care offers residents and their families something no amount of money can buy – peace of mind. The Dorothy Frances Home has created an environment where residents maintain their dignity, pride, and individualism no matter what level of assistance they may require.
Publsihed Prices
- Alzheimer's Care
- Residential Care Home
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Published prices and information are provided by the providers themselves. Actual details may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.