(805) 271-6082

Via Esmeralda LLC

3521 E. Elma St, Camarillo Get Directions
(805) 271-6082

VIA ESMERALDA L.L.C. is a non-medical care facility licensed by the California State Department of Social Services which IS NOT ALLOWED TO PROVIDE 24-HOUR SKILLED NURSING CARE. It is designated to meet the primary needs of the growing population who are unable to function totally, independently, but who do not require skilled nursing care. Our goal is to maintain as unrestrictive an environment as possible to assure the greatest degree of self-dignity possible. Our philosophy is to provide care and supervision, in a manner that will aide our residents in maintaining their dignity and highest level of independence, and their recognition as persons of worth and value to society. We therefore set our goal in the establishment of a high-end home with an atmosphere of acceptance and warmth both physically and emotionally-a community of compatible adults. Every effort will be made to encourage residents to continue functioning as integrated members of the community and to maintain their personal interest, hobbies, friends, and activities. We make sure our residents do not become isolated from love ones or from activities of personal interest that define who they are. While we respect privacy, we will, at the same time, encourage residents to willingly accept the care and assistance offered by the staff of the facility.VIA ESMERALDA L.L.C. will operate 7 days per week, 24 hours per day. The facility has been developed to provide (A Home Away From Home) residential environment, which will provide the maximum in comfortable accommodations for the residents.

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  • Alzheimer's Care
  • Residential Care Home


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Published prices and information are provided by the providers themselves. Actual details may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.

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