Vron Place
Vron Place is a licensed family home for 5 individuals who need assistance with medication supervision, meals and navigating the community.
The residents of Vron place must be able to use the telephone, need minimal assistance with personal care and feel comfortable in the home alone.
There is an on site live-in caregiver, who also takes residents to physician appointments or community activities. Therefore residents not going along for the ride must feel comfortable and be safe in the home unattended. The home principally is for the older client with mental health issues who feels more comfortable with minimal support.
There are three nutritious meals daily with an open kitchen, a nurse supervisor is available. Families are encouraged to visit and outings are also encouraged. Involvement in Senior Center, library, volunteer opportunities etc., is encouraged. Visitation is by appointment with the supervisor.
Mrs. Black has been a home operator for 22 years and welcomes inquiries. See joys place.net There are currently two private rooms and 1 semi-private female room.
There is one female bed available. Plans to add another private room are in the works. Vron Place is a not for profit home. Fund raisers are a part of the home’s activities.
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- Residential Care Home
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