Whitcomb House
Make yourself at home in the warm, welcoming community of Whitcomb House in Milford, MA, where abundant amenities and thoughtful features provide comfort and convenience. Our Assisted Living and Memory Care residents enjoy regular live entertainment as well as several family events throughout the year. Imagine an apartment home with no cooking, cleaning or maintenance — and friends next door. That’s what residents find at Whitcomb House, where they can socialize in living rooms with warm fireplaces and comfortable furniture. Three chef-inspired, restaurant-style meals are served daily in elegant, sun-filled dining rooms so residents can enjoy making conversation over delicious meals. Visiting family and guests are always welcome. Residents who enjoy doing their own cooking will appreciate our country kitchens that offer space to bake signature recipes. We offer residents a vibrant lifestyle that encourages health and independence through innovative recreational, educational, health and wellness programs. Whitcomb House provides a level of care that allows residents to remain as self-reliant as possible while living in a supportive environment.
Since 1990, Capital Senior Living has grown to become one of the largest senior living providers in the United States. With a goal of offering affordable housing and an enriched lifestyle to thousands of seniors, our dedicated team of professionals succeeds in providing quality care in each of our unique communities.
Publsihed Prices
- Alzheimer's Care
- Assisted Living
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Published prices and information are provided by the providers themselves. Actual details may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.