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As you go through the process of finding the right home for your loved one, let us help. You may have some questions on your mind as you begin to learn about the different facilities and options available. Luckily, our care advisors are here to walk you through the process step-by-step. Here are our answers to some frequently asked questions.

Assisted living provides assistance in personal care and everyday living. Assisted living is different from other senior care homes as its focus is on helping seniors with basic needs and some medical attention. Each living facility will have different levels of amenities but all assisted living facilities will offer help in the activities of daily life. Activities of daily life are essential functions to maintain general welfare. These activities include tasks such as feeding, walking, bathing, dressing, toileting, etc. If your loved one is having mobility issues or difficulty performing these duties by themselves, then it is time to seek an assisted living community. With the help of assisted living, your loved one will be able to thrive in life again.

Here’s how Senior Care Center works: when you call us at (866) 518-0936, you’ll immediately connect to one of our Senior Care advisors who can walk you through the process of looking for a care facility for your loved one. Our advisors will ask you a few questions about your loved one’s condition. For example: is you loved one suffering from any known diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease or dementia? How about prescription medications and allergies? Does he or she have a dietary restriction? All of these questions will help our advisors understand what kind of amenities and services the facility should offer to your loved one. After the interview process, your Senior Care advisor will create a personalized list of homes that will suit your loved one’s needs based on your answers. Each advisor will be able to counsel you through the steps of filling out paperwork, touring the sites, and knowing what to look in a facility. No need to worry about financial questions, either. Our advisors will be able to direct you to plenty of assistance programs that can help you pay for the cost of care. No matter what your situation is, Senior Care Center is here to help you through the process as you look for the perfect home for your loved one!

To know which community is best suited for your loved one, you must understand what condition your loved one is in. Does he or she need help with activities of daily living? Or are they active and mobile on their own? Do they have any illnesses or diseases that require 24 hour care? The communities that will best suit your loved one will meet their needs as well as preferences. Most assisted living homes, memory care homes, and nursing homes will have personal care and medical services around the clock. However, seniors in good shape who can maintain independence will be able to thrive in senior apartments or independent living communities. When you call into Senior Care Center today, a Senior Care advisor will be able to address these questions and help you find the right home.

Your senior care advisor will help you narrow down a list of communities that will best suit your loved one’s condition and needs. Senior Care Center recommends visiting each of these sites so you can get a better understanding of what each facility has to offer and whether or not it will be a suitable place for your loved one. Pictures can only do so much, but when you tour a site in-person, you will be able to catch the small details that can make a facility special. Your Senior Care advisor will be able to tour each facility with you, or schedule a personalized tour for yourself.

Our Senior Care advisors will ask you a few questions to get to know your loved one’s needs. Think of us like a matchmaking service where we are getting to know your family member in order to find the perfect home for them. These questions will address important concerns such as health conditions and existing diseases, lists of medications and allergies, and dietary needs or restrictions. We’ll ask about your budget and financial concerns as well as location preferences. Your advisor will want to hear as much detail about your loved one (their needs, preferences, personality, hobbies, etc.) so they can get a better feel for what your loved one may need or enjoy. We also ask about the family member’s cultural or religious preferences so they can feel more comfortable. Your advisor may also ask follow-up questions to have a better understanding of what is needed and desired. The interview process will help us find the best facilities that will suit your loved one’s needs and make them feel at home.

This is always tough to assess for many adult children of elderly parents. There are times when your loved ones will insist that they can continue living the way they have all their lives. However, recognize the signs for when your beloved senior needs assistance. This could include unkempt homes, lack of food or missing meal times, forgetting to pay bills on time, slower or difficult mobility, as well as inability to complete everyday tasks on their own. Also be mindful of any changes in cognitive ability. If you are an adult child of an elderly parent, we recommend setting up an doctor’s appointment to evaluate your loved one’s mental and physical conditions. The evaluation may help you make a clarified decision concerning whether it’s time to move your loved one. It may be an uncomfortable conversation to bring up with your loved one, but it is important to have a sobering discussion concerning their needs and ability to take care of themselves.

If you are in need of financial assistance to pay for senior care, you’re not alone. Paying for senior care may be a daunting task because the expenses can be overwhelming. When you call into Senior Care Center, your advisor will keep your financial situation in mind as they search for the right home for your loved one. Your advisor will also be able to assist you by helping you find special programs (such as government assistance) that can ease the financial burden. In any case, our advisors will walk you through your options for financial resources. For more information on paying for senior care, visit our blog.

We’re so happy that you had a positive experience with Senior Care Center! Our advisors take great care to help each family feel assured and at peace through what would normally be a stressful process. If you had a great experience with your advisor, we recommend sharing your experience with those around you! Feel free to share your story on Yelp, Google, or any social media! The more you share your story with family and friends, the more we get an opportunity to help those around us. It brings a smile to our face when we know that we’ve done our job well.

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How It Works

1. Talk To An Advisor
1. Talk To An Advisor
Give us a call today and we’ll schedule you a FREE one-on-one consultation with one of our advisors. We’ll walk you through the process step-by-step to address all your questions and concerns.
2. We’re Here To Listen
2. We’re Here To Listen
Our advisors will listen carefully to each concern. We’ll take note and consider the unique needs of your family member. As we ask specific questions, we will get a clear picture of the situation. We especially take into account what your family member will need in the day-to-day.
3. We’ll Find The Perfect Home
3. We’ll Find The Perfect Home
After the assessment, our advisors will match you with the perfect home. We’re confident we’ll find a place where your loved ones can thrive and feel safe and sound.
About Senior Care Center

We all know what it’s like to watch our loved ones age. Let us help you find the best care your loved ones deserve.

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