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Blog - Health

Robotic Therapy Pets: Do they treat loneliness and dementia?
Published: 3 years ago

Robotic Therapy Pets are helping to fill a gap in the societal need for companionship and care of the elderly. These robotic pets can provide more personalized, interactive, and tailored therapy to individual needs than other forms of therapy. They offer various benefits, including alleviating loneliness or boredom; providing unconditional…

Easing Caregiving Stress: A Guide to Buying an Elder Care Robot
Published: 3 years ago

It’s no secret that caring for an aging loved one is difficult. Elder care robots are a new technology designed to lessen the load on caregivers by doing some of the more repetitive tasks such as cleaning. They’re also programmed with elder-specific needs in mind, such as medication reminders, dietary…

Elder Care Robots to Care For The Elderly
Published: 3 years ago

There are two major, somewhat unrecognized problems happening in senior healthcare in the United States. The first is the eldercare gap. The population of individuals over the age of 60 is projected to double by 2050, resulting in nearly 2.1 billion people. In 2035, the Census Bureau predicts that for…

Alzheimer’s Supplements: Can they prevent memory loss?
Published: 3 years ago

Supplements are a controversial topic. Some people swear by them, while others criticize their benefits. With so much conflicting information out there, it’s hard to know what to believe! In this article, we’ll be discussing if supplements can really prevent Alzheimer’s and dementia. Read on for more information about the…

A guide to caregiver burnout and how to prevent it
Published: 3 years ago

Caregiving is a difficult task. It can be physically, mentally, and emotionally draining to care for another person on a daily basis. As the caregiver, it is important to take steps to ensure that you are taking care of yourself as well as your loved one who needs your help….

The All-in-One Home Safety Checklist For Seniors Aging in Place
Published: 3 years ago

If your elderly parents have decided to live in their home as they age, it is important to ensure their home is as safe and senior-friendly as possible. Aging in place comes with unique challenges that should be dealt with to prevent senior injuries.  According to the Federal Housing Administration, nearly…

Aging Hair Loss: Prevention Tips
Published: 3 years ago

Overview Strands of hair on your head have an average lifespan of two to five years. As we age, this lifespan shortens which can result in hair loss. To prevent this, there are some steps that you can take now to decrease the chances of hair loss later.  The Anatomy…

Six Powerful Ways to Ward Off Senior Depression
Published: 5 years ago

An estimated six million adults age 65 and older struggle with depression, according to WebMD. Senior depression is especially prevalent among those who suffer from other medical conditions and disabilities. Although common, depression isn’t a normal part of aging. If a senior loved one in your life is experiencing depression…

Smart Ways for Seniors to Stay Safe in the Summer
Published: 5 years ago

  Summertime is an ideal time to enjoy the great outdoors, whether you’re lounging at the pool or firing up the grill. However, the heat and sun can pose serious health hazards for seniors if they don’t take the proper precautions. As bodies age, they become less efficient at regulating…

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