(855) 430-0035

Arthur Rose Assisted Living

1164 Bus. Hwy 64, New Richmond, WI 6017 Get Directions
(855) 430-0035

Arthur-Rose is an 8-bed, comprehensive assisted care home, specializing in providing care for clients with rehabilitation, significant medical, or hospice needs.  Located on seven acres, bordering the New Richmond Golf Course, the spacious home offers both single and double occupancy.  This secluded location, only 1/2 mile from Westfield’s Hospital, has all the benefits of a country home with the convenience of a city location.  Each room features its own full bathroom with shower, toilet, and vanity.  The home, built in the 1960’s, has multiple gathering areas and is entirely accessible by elevator.  Each client room has its own unique design and decor which is easily customized by the client to make it their own.  Clients will also enjoy the close relationships they build with our highly-experienced, dedicated staff.  The smaller setting allows for a high staff to client ratio, and enables staff to take opportunities to spend one-on-one time with each client.

Arthur-Rose is a locally-owned and administered home.  Licensed and opened in June 2007, Arthur-Rose is committed to providing quality care in a comfortable, engaging, and inviting environment.

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  • Residential Care Home


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Published prices and information are provided by the providers themselves. Actual details may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.

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