Coles Supportive Living
Coles Supportive Living has been selected by the Illinois Department of Aging as one of the few Senior Care Facilities to be included in the State of Illinois Supportive Living Program.
Coles Supportive Living Facility strives to promote dignity and independence for Seniors where a state-of-the art environment exists with safe and comfortable surroundings. We strive to meet the needs of our residents by providing quality services and support.
Supportive Living Facilities were created to provide a safe, comfortable, and supportive living environment for Seniors offering the highest level of service and experience while maintaining the individual’s independence.
This program was developed to provide lower-income seniors and seniors with disabilities as an alternative to nursing home care. Assisted Living, or as the State of Illinois calls it Supportive Living, is now an option for all seniors, not just the wealthy.
Depending on your financial position and health status, if you qualify Medicaid will reimburse Coles Supportive Living for the cost of Assisted Living care. The program combines apartment style living with personal care and other services. You can live independently; take part in your own decisions while receiving the personal care and attention you require.
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- Assisted Living
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Published prices and information are provided by the providers themselves. Actual details may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.