Comfort Care AFH
The relaxing Comfort Care AFH is conveniently located in Snohomish, WA. This is a family oriented assisted living home that offers care for the adult that may not be able to live alone but a nursing home is not a required source of living either. The caring staff of Comfort Care AFH takes pride in making sure our residents are comfortable and cared for in the most respectful nature. The high quality living arrangements that we offer play a major role in giving our residents the confidence needed to lead an active and safe lifestyle. The fact is that as we become older we may all need a little help in some areas. We make sure that your loved ones have all the necessary and many of the added resources that make life very enjoyable for them. We enable our residents to maintain their individuality by making sure they remain involved in activities that are important to them and essential to their style of living. We encourage our residents to become involved with other residents and share ideas and find common interests that they can enjoy as neighbors in their new community. All of our caregivers are certified or specially trained in their area of service. Our residents are given assistance by only the highest quality caregivers and their needs are attended to on an individual basis. The environment is one of a family setting enhanced with a character of trust. The thirst to live life to its fullest is the goal we strive to set each day with our residents.
Publsihed Prices
- Alzheimer's Care
- Residential Care Home
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Published prices and information are provided by the providers themselves. Actual details may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.