Lilac Chateau Residential Care Home
9724 Eucalyptus Ct, Santee, CA 2774
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Lilac Chateau is assisted living for Seniors. Owned and operated by Kimberly Withers, RN, BSN,. Kimberly has an extensive background in Geriatric-Psych Nursing and Specializes in caring for residents with Dementia. She has a wonderful, caring and loving staffs.
We’re able to Accept:
Ambulatory and Non-Ambulatory
Walkers & Canes
Alzheimer-Dementia (Mild)
Incontinence Care
Publsihed Prices
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Monthly Range* (USD)
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* Published prices are provided by the providers
themselves, not by reviewers. Actual quotes may differ from what is presented based
timing and services required.
- Alzheimer's Care
- Residential Care Home
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Published prices and information are provided by the providers themselves. Actual details may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.