Parkview Manor
Anyone who isn’t able to deal with the huge variety tasks involved in daily life can benefit from taking residence at Parkview Manor assisted living homes. This assisted living community offers a variety of different living accommodations for those with or without medical problems. Regardless of the resident’s condition, this facility can take care of all daily living necessities. Parkview Manor offers a highly social living environment so that residents can form the kind of friendships that lead to happiness. As a social environment, there are a variety of different programs and activities that can facilitate an enjoyable stay. As an assisted living home, Parkview Manor offers a highly comprehensive living environment to ensure that all patients, regardless of physical ability, are fully taken care of. All residential staff are able to perform various tasks that many residents are not capable of, including: washing, cleaning, laundry service, general hygiene and much more. Health is a huge aspect of Parkview Manor. Ensuring that residents are fully healthy is the number one priority. In order to ensure this, this living facility only hires the most experienced and most personable medical staff. In addition, medical staff are available around the clock and always ready if needed. Because we care for people into late ages, disorders such as Alzheimer’s, dementia and memory loss are very common; luckily, all staff are highly experienced in these areas and can provide high quality care. Offering a social living environment is a huge aspect of what makes Parkview Manor special. This facility offers a variety of different programs, activities and events in order to ensure that residents are given the ability to communicate with each other and create bonds that can lead to lasting friendships. This approach has been extremely successful at ensuring that all residents are happy and healthy.
Publsihed Prices
- Alzheimer's Care
- Assisted Living
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