Stratford Commons
Stratford Commons is a family owned and operated business. We are proud to offer a wide variety of services to make your life worry-free. Our on site licensed nursing staff is on duty 24 hours a day to help meet your care needs, including assistance with medication, bathing and dressing. Housekeeping and laundry service is also provided. Guests are invited to choose from many floor plan arrangements. There is an onsite beauty/barber shop. Our activity programs offer a variety of choices daily plus shopping and outings in the community. In addition to our monthly leased apartments, we offer respite apartments for those who want or need to come for a short stay. These apartments are rented on a daily basis, are fully furnished, and include all amenities of our community. Families who are constant caretakers can take comfort in leaving their family member with us for a few days (or weeks) while they go on vacation.
Publsihed Prices
- Alzheimer's Care
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Published prices and information are provided by the providers themselves. Actual details may differ from what is presented based on timing and services required.