Residential Care Home near Clackamas, OR
Judy’s Sunnyside Loving Hands
Judy’s Sunnyside Loving Hands ACH,A Family Concern, A Caring Solution, located close to Kaiser Permanente Hospital on Sunnyside Rd. Judy’s Sunnyside Loving Hands ACH is a provider of care for seniors and disabled with special needs like Alzheimer’s, dementia, MS, incontinence, stroke, diabetes, respite, etc…for short and long term stays….
A Place Called Home
STOP BY, COME IN AND RELAX! Relaxation, with healthy living is the norm here. With exceptional cuisine, great service for all needs and the relaxing/peaceful atmosphere, it’s no wonder our residents feel like they are living at a bed and breakfast. All of the meals are carefully prepared from scratch,…
Clackamas Adult Care Home
Clackamas Adult Care Home is an assisted living community located in beautiful Mt. Talbert neighborhood. Mihaela Ion BSN, CRRN is the provider and owner of the house. She has over 13 years of experience as a registered nurse and worked in acute care, nursing homes and acute inpatient rehabilitation services….