Parkview Assisted Living
WELCOME HOME Parkview Assisted Living is a Licensed RESIDENTIAL Assisted Living Home Located at 18208 N145th Ave SURPRISE AZ, 85374. If you or your loved one is looking for a Home where you will be treated with RESPECT, EXCELLENT CARE, COMPASSION and have FREEDOM of CHOICE, then please call. We know you are facing one of the toughest decisions of your life: who to entrust to provide you with a Healthy, Safe environment and the Best Care. We understand and we are here to provide quality service and resident satisfaction. We will do everything we can to meet your expectations. In addition we have an Open Door Policy for your family and friends to visit any time any day. Come on over, meet our family and then decide.
Our Basic Services are: *Family Like Setting *Three Nutritious Home Cooked Meals per Day + Snacks *Housekeeping and Laundry Service Weekly or As Needed + Fresh Towels Daily *Individualized Care Plans *Medication Assistance and Monitoring *Assistance with Activities of Daily Living (dressing, grooming, bathing) (if needed) *Furnished OR Unfurnished rooms (bring what you like) *Special Diets (according to resident needs and facility’s capability) *Scheduled Transportation *Cable TV (in each room) *Social, Recreational, and Physical Activities *Outside Shaded Patio *Much More LEISURE ACTIVITIES BINGO, DOMINOS, JEWELRY MAKING, CROSSWORD PUZZLES, CARD GAMES, MOVIE NIGHTS + Much More.
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- Residential Care Home
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